Order a Basket

If you would like to order a basket please complete the form below, and I will be in touch to confirm your order!

Please note that I will do my best to take into account colour & design preferences, but this is not always guaranteed due to availability of certain varieties. I will always do my best. General descriptions of colour allow me the most freedom & clarity to make your basket (i.e. ‘bright/colourful’, ‘dark colours’, ‘ocean colours’, ‘autumn colours’, ‘anything but with a bit of orange, etc).

Baskets, like most things of mature beauty, take time. The cured willow that one makes the baskets from must be soaked for 4-10 days, mellowed for 2-3 days and then finally woven. The minimum wait time is 2 weeks. In general the wait time is 4-6 weeks. And during peak times of year (i.e. Christmas) the fulfillment of your order can take up to 8 weeks! Please plan well in advance for birthdays, anniversary gifts, to avoid disappointment.

Le beannachtaí