My Journey with Repetitive Strain Injury


Since I was the ripe age of 17, I have strongly identified with the transformative and life-giving power of my human hands. Throughout the past decade, my love for Ancient Arts and indeed my marriage to willow has very much guided the footsteps of my Life. My lantern at every crossroads.
This past year when I lost the use of my hands-the very bridge to belonging, to purpose- I stumbled hard and lost myself. For who are we, as humans, without creation? Who am I without this ancient metamorphosis? And what is beyond this earthen craft and all the many arts of my hands that has sculpted me, and carved me into form? .
And thus, through this journey I was asked to painfully reach deeper into myself, into places not traveled for many years and to completely surrender to the deepest uncertainty I’ve ever faced ...To let myself melt back into the cauldron of all creation. To re-kindle my child-like wonder. To re-member a truth and purpose beyond the physical. To re-member the Old Stories... Now, as I re-turn back unto the willow, with renewed vows, my hands and heart weave differently, with the twinkling remembrance of the world beyond..✨ .
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Rosemary Kavanagh