Ancient Earthen Arts


I believe at the roots of all Ancient Earthen Arts lies a spring-fed loch, that is bubbling with deep-bellied song, brims with story’d wisdom, twinkles with the remembrance of mythos, and longs to be spoken again into Life.
How long has this ancient basket, the creel, been breathing, alive on this land? Did Finn, son of Cumhal, and the Fiana pack their treasures and adventures in this ancient design? Did they use you upon their backs in their adventures through hill and valleys, rivers and forests amid the sweet smells of summer?

All the stories say, these warriors were very well versed in the arts of poetry, in bridging the worlds with sound and feeding the beauty—“for their was no men taken into the Fianna till he knew the twelve books of poetry.”
The Fianna were said to be semi nomadic and great warriors in Ancient Ireland —living out in the wild, traveling far and wide, from Bealtaine to Samhain, and living settled nesting lives in the winter where the local chieftains would provide for them. It was a fierce undertaking to join their ranks, many years of dedication and training to pass their many thresholds & tasks. They are deeply known for their honour, fearlessness, integrity, grace and poetry.

All the stories say, these warriors were very well versed in the arts of poetry, in bridging the worlds with sound and feeding the beauty—“for their was no men taken into the Fianna till he knew the twelve books of poetry.”

Rosemary Kavanagh