To Live Like We Were Eternal
To Live Like We Are Eternal
There is much encouragement in the world to live “life like you were dying”— spontaneous purchases, high speed cars, a wild night out to offset the inner troubles... Yet what if we changed the story to ”Live like we are Eternal” — connected deeply to each moment and outcome.. through rich relationship to all that has come before and all that will be woven after...Our own bodies made from transforming clay: ancestors and descents, all woven together. .
And what if we lived each moment with remembrance of this precious eternity we were care-taking ? Danced our way through this beautiful mortal Life with a responsibility to tend what is Holy and of Goodness ? To praise what is Precious. Feed what is Life-Giving. Bless the Light within each stranger encountered... .
This perspective offers the gift of strength through deep-rooted belonging and is also woven within the blessed responsibility to tend what we love for the world beyond.
And so:
May your Day be Blessed. May the Light within you Grow. May your roots always know Home and your branches be laden with Fruit. Xx